KIN 118 – Magnetic White Mirror- the most beautiful moment is right here, right now

Polish the mirror in your heart and see the beauty in your heart. You have journeyed through countless life stories, seeking for the beauty in your life and returning to the purity of life.

Life exists in the present moment when you reconnect with yourself, embracing the beauty, existence, and radiance within you.

You are always searching, trying to find the best version of yourself. However, you may not realize that the best version of yourself is in the present moment, right in front of you. Appreciate yourself, affirm yourself, and trust yourself every moment.

There is no best thing in the world, no matter how far you search. You won’t be able to find it. Because the most beautiful moment is right here, right now, when you are connected with yourself. You recognize your essence, and you see every present moment revealing the truth of your life’s journey.”

You know your true self, being still and just live in the present moment. There is no past, no future, only the present. You no longer project, reflect, or mirror all illusions. You simply return to your authentic self, faithfully reflected in the external world.

You simply return to your true self, reflecting reality as it is. You only return to the truth of each moment, the manifestation of love and light.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 117 – Cosmic Red Earth:Life navigates automatically.

Life navigates automatically.

When you live life to its fullest and activate the inner navigation of life, it will guide you effortlessly through time and space, seeking the most suitable opportunities for you in the present moment.

All you have to do is to constantly see the beauty of the present moment, and look for the joy and insights that everything gives you at the moment. Then discover the larger world and route of life from this wonderful feeling and realization.

Life will take you by the hand and bring forth what is most beneficial for you in your journey. You just need to receive this gift and bring about a greater navigation of life.

When life can transcend and achieve evolutionary growth, you can lead a greater navigation. You are not just navigating your own life; you also navigate for the world.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 116 – Yellow Crystal Warrior : they are complementary

KIN 116 – Yellow Crystal Warrior : they are complementary

Life doesn’t just stop at fighting and struggling to survive. We are not here to solve survival problems and deal with conflicts. There is something greater we are here to accomplish.

The combination of the physical and spiritual is the form of our existence. We have a physical body and a spiritual light body. They merge to form who we are, capable of thinking, walking, and creating.

We need to balance the needs of both. The physical body wants security, the instinct to survive.  The spiritual light body wants to create, fulfill the mission of this life, and leading us to evolution. They are a cooperative relationship, integrated with each other.

They may fight for different things, but they are complementary. We need the experiences of the physical body to elevate our understanding and realization of the world. We need the love and compassion of the spiritual light body to awaken the wisdom of life. The two work together in harmony.

We just need to continuously explore both internally and externally, eventually achieving unity, integration, and making them a cohesive driving force, guiding us towards greater exploration and awakening in life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 115 – Spectrum Blue Eagle: There is a huge cause and effect behind everything.

See every moment as it is happening.

Every happening in the present has its causes and effect. They are interconnected through a web of causality. Do not merely stay on the surface when observing events.

There are intricate causal relationships underlying every occurrence.

You must expand your ability to perceive things, rather than simply react based on emotions and preferences. Learn to feel how you feel when you see things, and get rid of the cocoons from your feelings to understand why you have a certain thought and feeling about a certain thing at the moment.

They come from a deeper layer of you, surrounded by layers of cause and effect, and they contain the fear of the collective survival consciousness of human beings, your experience of life after life, the memory carried by your genes, the inheritance of your ancestors, and the factors of your family.

There is a huge cause and effect behind everything. Learn to follow your intuition and sense the messages and discoveries embedded within. They will bring forth awakening and compassion in your life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 114 – Planetary White Wizard: Manifest the miracles of life.

Manifest the miracles of life.

 Every day, we search for answers and meaning in life. Have you ever wondered why you exist in this particular time and space? Why are you born? Why do you die?

 Life is full of miracles, our existence itself is a miracle. The precision of our biological systems, the synchronicity of encountering people and events at every moment in time and space, these are all miracles. They come together so intricately and precisely.

These are our creations. Every occurrence in our life comes from our creations. We project countless thoughts, create numerous spaces for these thoughts to brew and resonate, and at a certain mature time and space, they meet and manifest what needs to happen in the present.

If you can see clearly, you will know how the present self cooperates with the past and future self to create the whole operation of life.

At every point in time and space, there is a version of you, a self that influences and shapes reality. In your own time and space, you create every version of your present self, paving the way for the evolution of your life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 113 – Solar Red Skywalker :You play an extremely important role in your own life.

You have to review your life often. Look back from the present moment to a specific point in the past. See your past perspectives from your current point of view.

You will discover many interesting things. You may go back to the past sorrows, past joys and past longing. The present and the past coexist in this moment, at different points in time and space, but in the same parallel universe.

 You have to know that all things converge at your point, it is you who activate all the connections, and it is your existence that converges all these things. You can be your past self, your present self, your future self, or any version of yourself in the parallel universes.

You play an extremely important role in your own life. Choose which role to play and activate it through your connections and explorations. Each version of yourself brings different awakenings, and they all gather resources for the present you, become a source of love and light.

Ultimately, you will walk along the convergence of these rays of life, returning to where life originally belongs.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 112 – Galactic Yellow Human: we will become wise humans.

When life passes through all kinds of illusions, we will become wise humans. We won’t be stuck with low-level learning forever. Life goes to higher levels of flow.

When we become wise human beings, we can inspire more life forms to attain higher spiritual existence.

Life goes through many stages of evolution and growth. The same is true for human history. Life is an evolutionary process; we are not meant to stay in the pursuit driven by materialism, emotion and survival instincts forever.

As we experience and transcend various aspects of life, we develop into human beings with true wisdom.

Humans are social animals we are closely related, connected and influenced by other human species.  We live in a collective world where we must care for and nurture all living beings like ourselves. We cannot live alone without the collective.

We must embody great compassion, join hands with each other, and return to the existence of a unified world.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 111共振的蓝猴 : 你要快乐的玩起来








马雅260-来自星际马雅的生命智慧, kin 111

KIN 111 – Resonant Blue Monkey: Have fun

Have fun and don’t worry about what others think. You have the vitality of your own life, and you can arouse the enthusiasm and vitality of life in the game.

Life is like a game,we enter the game field when we are born, and we leave the game field after life is over.

You are already in the game field, so fully utilize the passion and vitality of your life to create and use the various resources of the game field to create a game of life story.

Life is full of wonders. With curiosity and exploration, you can find the significance and learning that life will give you in the game field.

Often, you fail to live out your innate talent, potential and mission in the game field, instead you are trapped in the script of the game and becoming a victim of life’s dramas.

The rule of this game is to reverse the role of the victim and become responsible for every scene in life.

You are responsible for the performance of each game, you are responsible for seeking the truth in life, you are responsible for shifting what happens in life, and you are responsible for seeing how every person and thing resonates with your life, inspires you in the game of your life the potential and infinity of life.

Learn to humorously accept every trophy that life presents to you and raise them with laughter.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 110 Rhythmic White Dog : elevated to another level

We are constantly balancing love, hatred, affection, and animosity in our lives.

We have a lot of people we love, and we have a lot of people we don't love. Even those who love become not love, and those who do not love become love.

 We also have many desires. Today you like this, tomorrow you like something else.

Whether to love or not, to hate or not to hate, to like or not to like, we are always lingering in these emotions, and the energy of life wears away.

This is an experience, a necessary path for the ascension of life. We are constantly balancing and adjusting the entanglements of many people and things around us, fluctuating in emotions, and navigating through the material world.

Until one day, we can freely let go of the emotions and trials we have experienced in our lives, and our lives will be elevated to another level.

At that time, what we constantly balance will no longer be emotions and material possessions. We will balance the quality of life at another height in our journey.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

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