Kin 106 : Lunar White Bridger : live out your passion and potential

Life is not designed to be excessively dull or extravagant. You must live out your passion and potential in the journey of life. You shouldn’t bury your nature in excessive mediocrity, nor should you inflate your desires with excessive vanity.

You must understand the middle way, finding balance in life by embracing the passion and vitality entrusted to you. You should fully unleash them, creating numerous beginnings, extending the continuity of love in life, allowing it to connect with more lives, inspiring and stimulating the manifestation and potential of life. Your life has the power to influence the lives of others.

You should know that many people aspire to live out their potential. When you are able to dance with your own life, you can inspire others to dance with their lives. You are a bridge, capable of connecting endless possibilities, taking life to a broader dimension, expanding the possibilities of life, and leading it towards more beauty.

You have the ability to unleash your potential and inspire infinite possibilities in life.

You can’t be content with being too ordinary and simply exhausting your life. You should fully embrace the vitality that life brings you and expand your life potential for yourself and the world.

Trust yourself and give yourself this gift, allowing life to express its potential, passion, and charm.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

《Kin 106 : Lunar White Bridger : live out your passion and potential》有2条评论

    1. Hi, thank you for the words.
      Actually I wrote all this through channelling, I connected to the energy of the day and then the words will come automatically. At first I wrote it in Chinese then I translate it into English.


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