Kin 38 : You Create Everything In Your Life

KIN 38 Crystal White Mirror: You Create Everything In Your Life

In a larger world, there are many smaller worlds, within a greater whole, there are numerous smaller parts, all interconnected holographically. The small worlds encompass the larger world, just as the larger world contains the smaller worlds.

Our body is the same; it contains messages from the universes. It is a microcosm reflection of the universal holography. Our life is the same; it contains many pieces of information from the greater life.

You need to carefully understand the messages that life wants to bring you, right within your daily life experiences.

Everything in life is a form of information, meant to impart to you an understanding of the meaning of life. Life is like a mirror, reflecting both your inner and outer aspects. Its purpose is to help you see that life isn’t something that fades away and disappears with time.

 Life is a continuum. Within it are many things you can’t see, including the holographic information of your ancestors, the holographic information of your own soul, the holographic information of the collective human race, and the holographic information of the universe and nature.

Life is like a prism, projecting many facets, allowing us to enact a play in the human world. In this play, you will see both the beautiful and the not-so-beautiful aspects of everything.

These are all projections, emanating from the holography within your heart. You are the creator of these projections. You are the creator of beauty, and you are also the creator of the not-so-beautiful.

You create everything in your life.

Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry,

Series 1

(KIN 1 – KIN 52)

Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery:

 Remembering Your True Self, Timeless, Healing, and Radiating the Light of Compassion.

KIN 33 Resonant Red Skywalker : We resonate with many things in life

We resonate with many things in life. When you see a person, an event, or an object appearing before you, entering your sphere of life, you may say it’s your choice or mere coincidence.

In fact, we don’t really know that these people and things are appearing because they resonate with us on the same frequency. The kind of energy field we possess, the vibration frequency we emit – these determine what kind of things are drawn into our circle of life, into our field of existence.

You need to explore what has appeared in your life and connect the factors behind their appearance. You need to understand what messages they are trying to convey to you. You should realize that nothing is coincidental; everything is bound by certain connections to you, which is why they present themselves before you.

You are a multi-dimensional existence, and you also resonate on multiple dimensions. You resonate with different energies across various dimensions, giving rise to different material worlds. Your life is filled with many interesting things. You should explore and connect with them, bringing them closer to you. Adjust your frequency, resonate with them, and serve a greater world as well as a greater version of yourself. This will bring forth beautiful creations and healing to your life.

Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry, Series 1

Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry,

Series 1

(KIN 1 – KIN 52)

Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery:

 Remembering Your True Self, Timeless, Healing, and Radiating the Light of Compassion.


“Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry, Series 1” presents “Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery: Remembering Your True Self, Timeless Healing, and Radiating the Light of Compassion.”

This book, a translation of Esrah’s Chinese work “Maya 260 – Life Wisdom from the Galactic Mayan”, encapsulates a wealth of insight. The original Chinese edition comprises 260 articles, and this English translation is organized into five series, each featuring 52 articles. The present volume, the first in the series, encompasses Kin 1 through Kin 52.

Embark on an extraordinary voyage with “Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry, Series 1.” This transformative work, penned by the insightful Esrah, bridges the celestial and the terrestrial, guiding readers through a rich tapestry of galactic wisdom inspired by the Mayan tradition’s 20 solar seals and 13 galactic tones.

Through the prism of these seals and tones, Esrah unveils the distinct pathways to awareness, each a stepping stone to personal awakening and growth. These writings are celestial whispers, echoes of the cosmic dance that invite you to remember your true self, to heal, to let go, and to embrace freedom in its purest form, leading to an expansive growth of the soul.

“Celestial Whispers” is more than a book; it is a cosmic love letter, a celestial gift to us all. It affirms our intricate connection with the universe, reminding us that within each of us lies a fragment of the stars. Esrah, through her connection with Mayan cosmic wisdom, invites you to awaken the multifaceted aspects of self-discovery and embrace the wisdom of the galactic tapestry of which we are all a part.

With ‘Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery’, Esrah translates the ethereal messages of the stars into practical wisdom for everyday life. Whether you’re seeking healing, transformation, or a deeper understanding of your place in the universe, ‘Celestial Whispers’ offers a compass to navigate the intricate pathways of existence.

Originally penned in Chinese, this translated masterpiece stands as a testament to the universal language of spirituality and growth. It’s more than just a book; it’s an invitation to explore the boundless realms of self and universe, and a loving gift from the cosmos to each one of us.

Let the whispers of the galaxy guide you, inspire you, and awaken the vibrant tapestry of life within you.

Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry,

Series 1

(KIN 1 – KIN 52)

Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery:

 Remembering Your True Self, Timeless, Healing, and Radiating the Light of Compassion.

5 days free reading (15Nov-19Nov 2023)

Celestial Whispers: Wisdom of the Galactic Tapestry, Series 1

  • Awakening the Multifaceted Self-Discovery: Remembering Your True Self, Timeless, Healing, and Radiating the Light of Compassion.(KIN 1 – KIN 52)


KIN 1 磁性的红龙: 忆起真实的自己

KIN 1 磁性的红龙: 忆起真实的自己




















KIN 139: Solar Blue Storm : Storms arise from emptiness and return to emptiness.

Storms always come quietly when we are not aware of them. Storms bring wind and rain, powerful destructive forces, but they also bring powerful energies for cleansing and purification.

We feel the powerful force of the storm in an instant. Or you will be afraid, apprehensive, helpless. But what you can’t see is the root energy of the storm.

The occurrence of a storm does not happen in that one moment; it has already begun at a certain point in time and space, gradually accumulating until it forms a major storm that you witness at your particular point in time and space.

The messages it wants to convey to you are endless. Your life has accumulated these energies at a certain point in time and space. This energy has erupted. Do not linger in your fear; you need to understand that everything is energy, energy that can be used for you. You must harness it and not let it overpower you.

Your life doesn’t make waves without any wind. You have to see the original point that brought you here. You must see this present point and where it will take you. You must understand the emptiness of the human world; everything works in emptiness.

Storms arise from emptiness and return to emptiness.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 138: Galactic White Mirror : The difference lies in the filters we have

Our sky is one big roof. We are all under one roof.

We gaze at the same sky. We see the blue sky during the day. We see the night sky adorned with stars and the moon. We are all human, regardless of whether our skin is red, white, black, yellow, or any other color.

The difference lies in the filters we have. Each one of us has a personal filter, each country has its own filter, each culture has a filter, and even different eras have different filters.

We view the world through these filters. If your filter is white, you see the world as white. If your filter is colorful, you see the world as colorful.

After thousands of years of reincarnation, our filters have had many different colors and patterns.

When you see the world through your filters in this lifetime, your world will take on the colors and patterns of those filters. They are endless reflections and projections, and you may not even know how your world is constructed.

You need to stabilize yourself in your center and see how the reflections and projections intersect, forming your current world, your current life construct. Only in a state of stillness while observing the movement of life can you understand how you have been woven into the matrix of illusions.

You can live out the true essence of life only when you can remain undisturbed.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 137: Resonant Red Earth : your heart no longer wanders outside

The wind is swaying, and the rain is pouring down. I sit in the house contemplating.

Over the decades of my life, I have experienced the ups and downs of life. I have witnessed the storms of life. I return to my inner self. Once again, I surrender to the greatness of life. You must understand that all the illusions in life make you rise and fall, go up and down. Your heart dances along, and your love and hatred flow with it.

Until one day, you can return to your center, firmly seated in your core, no longer dancing with illusions, no longer following the ups and downs of life. You become your own navigator, the navigator of the world. You become your own navigator, and you become the navigator of the world. You live out your own strength, which comes from the overlapping experiences of your life.

There were times when you experienced falls and frustrations. There were times when you experienced ecstatic joy and pride in life. But all of this will ultimately become the past, and you will eventually return to the peace and harmony within yourself, returning to your inner navigation.

When these energies start to recover, you no longer dissipate outwardly, and your heart no longer wanders outside. You return to your heart, raise the light in your heart again, and guide your life.

You know your own direction, you know that the ultimate life is not just the glory at that moment, you start to lead yourself to a long-term life evolution, and with the beautiful transformation of your life, your life is heading towards a greater self, the all-encompassing self.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 136 Rhythmic Yellow Warrior : We are warriors of life

Life is sometimes a battle. You must maintain a high fighting spirit and a strong mind to overcome the challenges in life.

Life is never easy; it’s not a smooth and ordinary journey. Challenges and obstacles arise in life, and how to overcome and transcend them is a deeply personal question. This is also a time for testing personal growth and wisdom.

Any challenge is a railing in life, which brings about the evolution of life to a higher dimension. The wisdom of life that you cannot see in ordinary life will be seen in the railings of life. The willpower of life that you can’t understand will pass through obstacles.

We are warriors of life, one after another, jumping over one railing after another. What is the revelation that life will bring to you? Life is constantly growing, constantly balancing, and constantly adjusting.

You are a gateway to life’s most beautiful paradise. You are looking for a journey to heaven, and there are many obstacles in the journey. You are the protagonist in the story, swaying your sword of light, and defeating the monsters that appear in your life.

Everything is an illusion, but you must experience it, and return to your true self from the experience.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

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