Kin 135 Overtone Blue Eagle : Life always has precise plans

Seeing through all the illusions in the world.

Life often gets trapped in the stories of illusory dramas, and it’s not easy to break free. When you find yourself in the midst of it, there’s no need to panic; you must try to calm yourself.

When you manage to find inner stillness, you can begin to return to your center and become aware of how the energy is flowing within.

You can experience the journey that life’s stories bring to you and understand the role you are meant to play within them. What is the purpose of the experiences that life wants you to go through?

 All stories have themes. You need to first see the outline of the theme, understand the principles of life, and recognize that everything that happens in life is meant to serve your growth.

You must first break free from the deep entanglement of fear and anger, and instead, feel the opportunities within. What have you lost? What have you gained?

When you no longer get entangled in the internal struggle of winning or losing, you can reclaim your power and regain control over your own life. You can then see clearly what life is trying to tell you and comprehend the direction life wants to guide you towards.

Life always has precise plans, which may not appear to be the most perfect in our eyes, but they are the best in the grand flow of life. They serve all dimensions and all aspects of your being.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 134 Self-Existence White Wizard : This is related to the level at which you live your life

In what form do you exist in the present moment of time and space? This is a question worth contemplating.

Are you restless and unable to stay present, or can you be calm and at ease, enjoying the existence of each moment?

There are many levels of life, and the level you stay at determines the quality of your life, and it has nothing to do with money or material things. Often, we think that what we have is what we can become. In fact, on the contrary, when you become a certain kind of person, you can have a certain kind of life.

This is related to the level at which you live your life. Living in the illusion, you lead a life bound by illusions. If you see through the illusion, you will be able to transcend the confusion behind the illusion, staying still at your own center, untouched by external circumstances.

You are still in the world of mortals, but beyond the bondage of the illusion of life, you can play freely in your own time and space, and conjure the magic of life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 133 Electric Red Skywalker: like Monkey King somersaulting, boundless and endless.

Initiate the exploration of life. There are many interesting things in life. Don’t limit yourself in the plot of life,  you deserve to have something better. Expand the boundaries of your heart and mind so that it can accommodate more life explorations.

Life has many interesting things, but if you confine yourself to a fixed frame of life, you won’t be able to experience the vibrant and abundant aspects of life. You will only become a victim within the storyline of your family environment.

There are many interesting things in life, if you only limit yourself to a fixed frame of life, you will not be able to appreciate the colorfulness and richness of life.  You will only become a victim within the storyline of your family environment.

You also have to break the framework of your thinking, so that it can extend to the dimension of heaven, don’t always stay on the ground to see, the time and space you can explore are very large, like Monkey King somersaulting, boundless and endless.

Understand the time-space point in which you exist; it is a multidimensional existence. You can freely navigate through each dimension. This is the essence of your life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

















KIN 132 Lunar Yellow Human: Let life bloom in the territory of happiness, freedom and wisdom.

Life is a journey leading us to understand every change in life.

We transition from rigid perceptions and fixed thinking to becoming wise, flexible, and liberated human beings.

We are bound by many shackles, all from our inherent circuit thinking.

These create an old and rigid circuit that constantly influences us, both in relation to ourselves and others. They no longer serve us but bind us, causing confusion, rigidity, and stagnation.

Our life journey is about reversing these outdated constraints, becoming truly wise human beings who can bring more goodness and impact to ourselves and the world.

We need to return to our free hearts, choosing the journey of exploration and growth in our lives. Let life bloom in the territory of happiness, freedom and wisdom.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)


















KIN 131 Magnetic Blue Monkey : each moment both exists and does not exist

What is illusion? Why is life an illusion?

 Aren’t we all real beings? Aren’t all things real in their appearances?

All of these are indeed real existences, but they are also not real existences. We cannot hold onto every moment of life, life is flowing, life is passing, life is changing.

Life consists of multiple factors, layers, and presentations.

You see the present me, so real. You cannot see the past me or the future me, but they coexist with me. From the moment I exist, they are closely connected with me. They influence every instant of my being. They exist in another dimension of time and space within my life. We interact, overlap, and connect with one another.

This is the changing nature of every cause and condition in life, affecting our multiple transformations. The current moment differs from the next moment, presenting a different reality.

We are not fixed within a single set of conditions; we are endlessly changing. The subtle changes in life often go unnoticed. In each change, we are no longer the same as before. In each change, the world is also not the same as before. We must realize that every change is a different world, a different self. How can we remain in an unchanging world?

Therefore, each moment both exists and does not exist. We should not fall into the cognition of the solidification of life, thinking that everything in the present is eternal. Each change involves the past and the future, and it extends beyond the time and space we perceive in the present. It encompasses more dimensions, different points in time and space, and varying energies.

When there is no moment at the same point in time and space, how do we hold on to what we have in the present moment, hoping that it will last forever and remains eternal?

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 130 Cosmic White Dog: The ultimate truth of life is that everything is love.

The ultimate truth of life is that everything is love.

Everything we see, everything we experience, in the end is to live out that we are love itself.

It’s not easy to live as it sounds, and it’s not easy for us to believe that everything happens for love. We are love itself, love resides within our hearts, we just have to live it out.

We are always looking for love, searching for ways to love ourselves and others. We have expectations, we fake, and grasping, all driven by fear of not being love.

Throughout our lives, we revolve around the subject of love, but not many of us really learn to love and transcend love. This is because we often look outward, seeking and grasping, without realizing that we ourselves haven’t truly lived out the essence of love or connected with the inner source of love. Therefore, we cannot find love or see it; instead, we resort to blaming, criticizing, and expecting.

When we become internally strong and connected to our own love, we no longer yearn for external validation. We can accept love from the outside and give forth our inner love, forming a circuit that activates greater love and compassion within us. It initiates a larger journey in life, where we live out our own love and light, experiencing the abundance of life and participating in the creation and reform of the world.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

KIN 130宇宙的白狗:生命的终极真相是一切都是爱。








KIN 129 Crystal Red Moon : Compassion makes love flowing.

Compassion makes love flowing.

When we encounter certain realities in life, we become judgmental. We don’t have enough love in us, we can’t accept, we can’t flow, we’re stuck.

If you have enough love and compassion in your heart, the moment you witness a reality, compassion immediately arises, allowing you to understand and comprehend the imperfect conditions and their underlying causes, leading to further realizations.

We cannot force ourselves to have love and compassion; they need to be experienced, traversed, and lived out through the understanding gained from life’s experiences. Life holds many truths that are invisible to our naked eyes, with infinite reflections and projections. We can only feel and comprehend them slowly in our hearts of love and compassion. We can only experience the mystery in the flow.

We have driven cooperation with ourselves in the flow of life, and more love, compassion and flow have arisen from the bits and pieces of our lives.

We also initiate cooperation with the greater flow of life with the universe, living out greater love, compassion, and flow in life.

(Translated from my book- Mayan260-The Wisdom of Life from The Galactic Mayan)

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